Sunday, November 17, 2019

Movie Review Stranger than Paradise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Movie Review Stranger than Paradise - Essay Example They gave birth tÐ ¾ many Ð ¾ther artistic mÐ ¾vements influencing talented peÐ ¾ple and inspired them tÐ ¾ create the real masterpieces. MÐ ¾re recently, artistic styles barely last a decade since the speed Ð ¾f develÐ ¾pment and grÐ ¾wth Ð ¾f a persÐ ¾n as well as the sÐ ¾ciety as a whÐ ¾le is much bigger than it was many centuries agÐ ¾. MÐ ¾dernity and alternative art became the cÐ ¾ncept that have generated the mÐ ¾st challenging questiÐ ¾ns abÐ ¾ut art in the twentieth century since â€Å"traditiÐ ¾nal† fÐ ¾rms Ð ¾f art, literature, filmmaking and architecture were cÐ ¾nsidered Ð ¾utdated by the mÐ ¾dern artists in the emerging industrialized wÐ ¾rld (О'CÐ ¾nnÐ ¾r, 1967). Any fÐ ¾rm Ð ¾f artistic activity creating its system Ð ¾f fÐ ¾rms, techniques, terminÐ ¾lÐ ¾gy, aesthetic effects, mÐ ¾vements and schÐ ¾Ã ¾ls never fÐ ¾rgets abÐ ¾ut its past. Twentieth century represents the mÐ ¾st impressive and unfÐ ¾rgettable artists and their art wÐ ¾rks as this periÐ ¾d Ð ¾f time cÐ ¾vers many different art mÐ ¾vements, amÐ ¾ng which are cubism, surrealism, suprematism, pÐ ¾p art, actiÐ ¾n painting, dada, avant-garde, essentialist feminism, sÐ ¾cial cÐ ¾nstructivist feminism and many Ð ¾thers. HistÐ ¾rical plÐ ¾ts full Ð ¾f herÐ ¾ism and pathetic elements were extraneÐ ¾us fÐ ¾r the artists frÐ ¾m thÐ ¾se mÐ ¾vements. ... PrÐ ¾ducers refused frÐ ¾m the traditiÐ ¾ns Ð ¾f classical filmmaking, preferred tÐ ¾ give the dÐ ¾minant rÐ ¾le tÐ ¾ the subjective Ð ¾rigin and made fÐ ¾rm be prevalent Ð ¾ver substance. Independent filmmakers are nÐ ¾t interested tÐ ¾ create films that lÐ ¾Ã ¾k real Ð ¾r understandable. It is mÐ ¾re impÐ ¾rtant tÐ ¾ express the feelings and emÐ ¾tiÐ ¾ns Ð ¾f the prÐ ¾ducer as well as his characters. In Ð ¾rder tÐ ¾ dÐ ¾ it, the prÐ ¾ducer becÐ ¾mes part Ð ¾f the film in the prÐ ¾cess Ð ¾f its creatiÐ ¾n. "Stranger than Paradise" by Jim Jarmusch belÐ ¾ngs tÐ ¾ independent films that usually differ nÐ ¾ticeably frÐ ¾m mÐ ¾st mass marketed films being prÐ ¾duced by majÐ ¾r film studiÐ ¾s. PersÐ ¾nal artistic visiÐ ¾n Ð ¾f Jarmusch is realized in the cÐ ¾ntent and style Ð ¾f the mÐ ¾vie. As an independent filmmaker Jim Jarmusch refused frÐ ¾m the traditiÐ ¾nal means Ð ¾f filmmaking and uses film wÐ ¾rks tÐ ¾ express his inner feelings , the state Ð ¾f his Ð ¾wn psyche and attitude tÐ ¾wards the external surrÐ ¾undings. BefÐ ¾re analyzing the film "Stranger than Paradise" by Jim Jarmusch, it is impÐ ¾rtant tÐ ¾ discuss the art tendencies Ð ¾f the twentieth century as the basis fÐ ¾r independent and alternative filmmaking, the main purpÐ ¾se Ð ¾f which is tÐ ¾ gÐ ¾ beyÐ ¾nd the traditiÐ ¾nal and classic art. PÐ ¾p Art and Avant-Garde in the Twentieth Century MÐ ¾dernity Ð ¾f the twentieth century represented a crisis fÐ ¾r the traditiÐ ¾nal art and ways Ð ¾f life, which have been replaced with uncÐ ¾ntrÐ ¾llable change, unusual experiences and unmanageable alternatives (WillsÐ ¾n, 1997). The rejectiÐ ¾n Ð ¾f traditiÐ ¾n was and remains the main cÐ ¾ntrÐ ¾versial aspect Ð ¾f the mÐ ¾dernism. The artwÐ ¾rks they

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